Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Har inte tid med all din skit

I'm attending a concept art course, and this week we're doing speed painting. First time I tried it, I drew a cave or something like that.

Spent around 15 minutes.


Dani said...

Wow I love it! :) Reminds me of my first speed painting! It was the same concept, only it was a view from the outside into a dark cave. I like yours better, and the lighting is fantastic! Can't wait to see what else you'll be producing :)

Rasmus said...

Thanksies Dani! :) I noticed that speedpainting is HARD though, I tried doing another one, and it just looked horrible >_< I'm really unused to drawing like that.

Dani said...

You'll get the hang of it :) Don't think in words when you're painting, think about the forms, the relationships between the forms, the depth and so on. The more silent your brain is while you're painting the easier it will be! Just enjoy it!

Rasmus said...

Yeah, practice makes perfect after all! :p Reminds me of the book Drawing On The Right Side of the Brain, have you read it? It deals with a lot of how people work when they draw, and how we should turn off the left, linguistic reasoning side of the brain while doing it, and such.

Dani said...

YES! You've read it? :) I didn't want to go into technicalities cus I didn't want to risk seeming geeky, but I guess it's all in the open now haha :)
I just got a copy last week and I'm loving it! I even found out I might be dyslexic thanks to that book (which is helping me understand why I'm different at some things than others). I never realized that getting my brain to shut up while drawing meant switching hemispheres so I'm finding that very intriguing! ;)

Rasmus said...

I've had it a long time now, but I still haven't finished it, only read like half >_< I'm really slow, and too lazy to do all the exercises. It's really great though, and I like the almost sorta scientific approach to drawing, and the mindset that everyone can draw. It's a great book, really.

enchantma said...

Totally liking that cave! Very nice work you did on the lighting, and that silhouette is lovely.

Rasmus said...

Thank you! <3

Anonymous said...

Wow nice painting! Would take me like an hour to do that!

Rasmus said...

Thank you!